About OSIM Mentors
OSIM Mentors is an organization that build the capacity of our youth by equipping them with relevant knowledge, skills, and values through training and mentorship on; life skills, how to Say NO to alcohol and drug abuse and entrepreneurship, to enable them adapt and cope with demands and challenges as they transition to adulthood.
OSIM Mentors has the required capacity to mentor and empower our children and youth effectively and efficiently. Our mentorship programs are well-researched, designed, and implemented by a team of professionals who are conversant with youth development issues and challenges. OSIM Mentors target children and youth aged 12-35 years, both in school and out of school. The content is tailor-made to the age and capabilities of the beneficiaries. In the process, we also target the parents and guardians.
To reach our target population, we implement our programs in partnership with interested stakeholders. These include learning institutions, parent associations, youth groups, Youth-led organizations, Faith-Based-Organizations(FBOs), CBOs, NGOs, and National governments among others.
Our Mission
To continuously build the capacity of our youth by equipping them with relevant knowledge, skills, and values through training and mentorship in life skills, saying NO to alcohol and drug abuse, and entrepreneurship to enable them to adapt and cope with demands and challenges as they transit to aldulthood.
Our Vision
Healthy, responsible, and self-reliant young men and women participating in building a better nation
Our Objectives
To promote self-awareness and self-confidence among the youth through life skills training, enabling them to adapt and cope with demands and challenges as they transition from childhood to adulthood.
To promote healthy lifestyles among the youth by sensitizing them and their communities to the dangers of engaging in alcohol and drug abuse.
To promote employment among the youth through the provision of business development services.
To provide addiction counseling services and linkages for rehabilitation.